Kuvataiteen eläineettisiä kysymyksiä
Yrityksiä ottaa eläin huomioon taiteellisessa työssä
In the article, with the view of artistic research, I open up the contradictions involved in making artworks about, and with, non-human animals. I examine the interfaces between the human and the non-human in the visual arts and reflect on the ethics of artistic work. My research perspective emphasizes the consideration of the other species' individuality and rights in contemporary art and its material processes with the help of critical animal studies and posthumanist theories. In general, the posthumanist turn of non-human thinking tends to consider other species as well. At the same time, the relinquishment of subjectivity, which is often a part of its tendencies, makes it challenging for critical animal studies to deal with ethical questions related to social justice. By analysing my artistic work, I am looking for more animal-friendly ways to act as a visual artist.

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