Echoes of Egypt in 12th-Century Bologna and 13th-Century Rome

  • Ingrid D. Rowland


In the Middle Ages, authentic ancient Egyptian artifacts emerged from the remains of former temples of Isis in places like Bologna and Rome, where they inspired Romanesque sculptors.  This paper examines the specific examples of the 12th-century Benedictine cloister of Santo Stefano in Bologna and the 13th-century Benedictine cloister of San Giovanni in Laterano, the latter created and signed by a father-and-son team from the Vassalletto dynasty of Roman marble workers. The Vassalletto family carved Egyptian-style sphinxes and lions in several places in the Papal State; here they are placed in connection with a particular family, the Conti di Segni, who owned property near three ancient Roman temples of Isis and Serapis: the Isaeum Campense, the temple of Serapis on the Quirinal, and the Esquiline Sanctuary of Isis and Serapis.
Research Articles
Aug 17, 2016
How to Cite
Rowland, I. D. (2016). Echoes of Egypt in 12th-Century Bologna and 13th-Century Rome. TAHITI, 6(4). Retrieved from